Special Promotional Links

Lets promote here,shall we?

Here you'll see all kinds of links. You'll also see links that will help promote my site. In less words, please help promote my site so I'll upgrade it and I'll promise to give you guys deserve.

If you wish to view the all the important info such as updates, please click the pic on the right so you can go back to the main site.

The only propose of this page is to promote my site the way some sites allowed too. Please help me upgrade this site!! ;_;

Enter to my Multiple Links list. You get to see from the best FY/IY sites to my hosting sites. You can get to see fanlistings I've joined (you can join them,too) and some of the best affilates. If you wish to add a link, please remember that forum promoting isnt allowed and link sites that steal and direct link stuff.ok?

Free Links from Bravenet.com Free Free-For-All Links from Bravenet.com

I already submit the main site in some Search Engines from that site below. SE are perfect tools for people going in to your site. I wish mine happens that way...

Free submission to 110 search engines!

Free Tell A Friend from Bravenet.com Free Tell A Friend from Bravenet.com
Promote my site, for God's Sake, please?! ;_;

 addme.com is one of the coolest sites to list your site on 14 SE only for free. They even let you check your site popularity!
Search Engine Submission and Internet Marketing

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Copyright 2004 Website edited by Yasha Yuugi no Miko. All rights reserved. All the important info comes directly from the 1st site without no exceptions. All the original info are reserved to thier original authors. Fushigi Yuugi is made originally by Yu Watase and Inuyahsa is originaly made by Rumiko Takahashi