Comparing Yasha and Yuugi

Character and Episodes (**SPOILER WARNING**)

Here we get to compare some certain characters and episodes from both series. There're will be ALOT of spoilers, so beware!!!

Today I'm going to compare...

...Miaka and Kagome!

Why them? Cuz they have alot in common. For example:

  • Both of them are school girls
  • They go thier respective old eras with thier uniforums
  • There're mikos
  • They have powers
  • They fight against monsters
  • They have a group of friends who travel with them and help them fight against enemies.
  • They both are in love with thier guys

...But they also have diferences:

  • They have diferent personalites.
  • Miaka is dependent while Kagome is independent.
  • Miaka is very unihibited while Kagome is very inhibited.
  • One is a miko of a god while the other is a reincarnation of a previous miko.
  • One goes to Feudal China while the other goes to Feudal Japan.
  • Miaka doesnt have any weapons to fight (uses her chi) while Kagome uses her arrows.
  • Miaka is mostly seperated from Tamahome all the time while Kagome is very attached to Inuyasha.
  • Miaka had kissed (and was pre-seduced by) other guys  while Kagome only kissed Inuyasha and has been sexually threatened by some guys.
  • Miaka goes to the old world within the book while Kagome goes within a old well.
  • Miaka has the ability to sense chiis while Kagome has the ability to sense shards and to purify stuff.
Whats with them?

Ok, let me start with Miaka...

She lived as a normal school girl along with her best friend Yui until they went to the library to study unware the adventures that awaits them.

Once they opened the book, both Miaka and Yui landed in a odd looking world that looks exactly like feudal China. Suddenly they were surrounded by a group of guys who sexually threaten them. Finally a good looking guy saves them both...after the plot, Yui returns to the real world while Miaka stayed alone with the good looking stranger.

Lets go with Kagome...

She also lived as a normal school girl in her era along with her family. She went to school like everyone else and worries for her exams.

On her 15th b-day, Kagome's life changed forever when a ugly centipede like youkai grabed her and pulled her down the well. There she meets an odd but good looking boy who was pinned to a tree. Later he was freed from his 50 year slumber and tried to kill Kagome cuz he thought she was her. Later after a great plot, Kagome broke the Shikkon Jewel into tiny shards by accident and thus made her travel along with her new puppy friend to look for the tiny shards.

My 2 Cents on them

Both Miaka and Kagome are generally cool with a tiny diference that Miaka maybee kinda lame and Kagome maybee a bit annoying.

I've seen people post hate messages to Miaka like if she was the worst character made ever. I know Miaka maybee lame but I ABSOULTLY dont find the reason to hate her. I've seen hate and flame posts about her that says like "Miaka is way too stupid to exist" or "Miaka needs to be shot and killed". Probaly in season 1, she was the most stupidest but I have season 2 and I dont find her stupid at all. She was just a simple and helpless victim until she learned to fight (season 2 and the 3 OVAs). Those kind of posts very irritable to me but in the end everyone has thier 2 cents on Miaka *rollseyes*

About Kagome, she is totally fine to me. She maybee a bit boring a certian times but she can entertaining, too (with Inuyasha when she says "owsari"). Sometimes I find her a bit annoying maybee too annoying. When she yells, she shouts like if she was a really a shoujo character. Like Miaka, Kagome also screams Inuyasha so many times. If you dont believe me, watch movies 1 and 2 (and some certian episodes that are Kagome and Inuyasha types).

Anothing thing about Kagome, is that some people simbolize her as a idol. In some posts I've seen, Kagome is totally worshiped. They even want her to stay with Inuyasha and not with Kikyo, her reincarnation. Of course, I would like Kagome to stay with Inuyasha at the very end but what if he stays with Kikyo (and dies) and Kagome returns to her era with alot of pain and tries to forget it by living her normal life? Well, the ending of the series is near, we'll have the clue. ^_~ *

Wanna debate about it?

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Keep on for updates!

Once in a while I'll compare certain characters or episodes from both series. Today I compare both Miaka and Kagome from both series. Maybee the next time it'll be about episodes or more characters. Keep on! ^^

Copyright 2004 Website edited by Yasha Yuugi no Miko. All rights reserved. All the important info comes directly from the 1st site without no exceptions. All the original info are reserved to thier original authors. Fushigi Yuugi (characters, story) is made originally by Yu Watase and Inuyahsa is originaly made by Rumiko Takahashi.