Romantic Analisis

Talking about all the Yasha Yuugi affairs here...

Lets talk about all the affairs from both series as possible. No matter if those kind of affairs are evily planned or with good intention. But in any dimension, those affairs are excelent!


Lets go with...

...Miaka and Tamahome! (yep,yep) ^^

It is said that they're the best couple in the whole animanga series.But there're some people that also said that they're the worst couple ever. I FIRMLY believe that they're the best couple ever (believe me) not cuz of thier kissy and hugging scenes, its cuz they support each other, always! Even if they're seprated most of the time.

In season 1, Miaka was always the helpless victim. Tamahome had to come and save her all the time. Until season 2 and the OAVs,Miaka learned to be independent, even though she ABSOULTELY doesnt want to be seprated from Tamahome.You can see that Miaka is nearly raped by various guys in various episodes but her love for Tamahome is way to strong to respond someone else's love (poor Hotohori...even though he had saved Miaka some number of times). Most of the Suzaku Seishi (excluding Tamahome) falls for Miaka (the ones who 'stays' totally away from her are Chichiri,Mitsukake and Chririko). 

Hey, abut what about Tasuki? Ok, let me discuss about it a bit...Everyone knows Tasuki hates women,right? Good! Question answered. His house ruled by women (5 sisters!!) were the cause of his ''women hating'' behavior. But wait a sec! That ABOUSLUTELY doesnt mean he hates Miaka cuz she's a woman....The best scene I've seen about him is when he kissed (?) Miaka in episode 2 or OAV 2. That might confuse anyone (including me) if he is REALLY kissing the girl or just simply saving her life by giving her cpr. *rollseyes* Another confusing Tasuki/Miaka scene is in the same OAV 2, episode 4. Tasuki takes Miaka to the room of a hotel and tries to seduce her. Wtf is really doing to her?! Luckly, Taka (Tamahome) came to the rescue.

Ok lets remain on the "Miaka and Tamahome" topic. Thier love is way too strong and passionate that nothing cant break the bond between them...they even get to sleep together at the end of OAV 2. Isnt that too sweet? ^^ I wish (I bet everyone might wish the same) that happened to Inuyasha and Kagome....


Now lets talk about them...

It is said that Inuyasha and Kagome's relationship is way too special. It is also said that they're the best couple in the anime/manga history since Ranma and Akane's relationship from Ranma 1/2.

Unfortunately, thier bond isnt like Miaka and Tamahome's cuz of thier constant disscussion (Kagome "oswaris" him while Inuyasha calle her "b***h all the time). It is very rare to see Miaka and Tamahome discuss constantly in most FY episodes.

...But still there is one of the few things thier relationship can be common with thiers: full supportage Whenever Kagome is in trouble, Inuyasha comes to the rescue right away. Wait sec? Kagome aint no helpless victim! She has a arrow and a bow to fight. Yes, thats so true.But she cant fully fight againt demons the way Sango does. So it's always up to Inuyasha to rescue her when she's in trouble...

Hey! Dont forget that Kagome also saves Inuyasha too when HE'S in trouble.You can see in movie 2 when Kaguya (the scene way before the kiss part) pinned Inuyasha to a tree and tied him with branches, Kagome jumps to save him from a aproching arrow and was directly shot in the back, making her faint but the MOST important scene (a pure sacrifice) made by her was when Inuyasha was turn full demon by Kaguya's spell. Kagome ran to him and begged him to stop transforming but nothing worked. Instead it became worse (he even digged his sharp nails in her arm) until she ended up KISSING him!!! The kiss turned him back to normal (I wonder how). Finally (the best part of entire movie) he KISSED her back and hugging her at the same time. Aww so sweet! ^^ Thus makes this scene totally priceless.

I hope both Inuyasha and Kagome stay together at the very end of the series. Even though Inuyasha is reborn as a human in his next life, that will be great. But dont forget that Inuyasha didnt solved his problem with his previous affair, Kikyo.

Cuz of all the confusing plot made by Naraku, both Inuyasha and Kikyo died and started to hate each other (Inuyasha doesnt really hate her but the poor got her heart torned in 2 and thus made her resentfull). Now his problem must be solved with her, otherwise he cant be with Kagome at peace.

Every single affair from both series has a special meaning (even though they're unpleasent ones) Kagome has tiny affairs, such as with Koga or Hojoun. Miaka (despite her pre-rape alike scenes) has from special affairs (Hotohori,Nuriko and even Tasuki) to the oddest ones (Nagako,Tomo,Amiboshi). I think both affairs from both series doesnt need any fix. It's completley fine like it is. *whew* too lazy too add more. If you wanna add more, go to the messageboard to post your opinions about the situation.

Copyright 2004 Website edited by Yasha Yuugi no Miko. All rights reserved. All the important info comes directly from the 1st site without no exceptions. All the original info are reserved to thier original authors. Fushigi Yuugi is made originally by Yu Watase and Inuyahsa is originaly made by Rumiko Takahashi.