Fanarts and Fanfics

Solo Yasha Yuugi ones

In my main site, you get to see real time update info. But here you get to see some of the best fanfics and fanarts. Remember if you have a good fanfic or fanart to send, dont doubt to email me. (only Fushigi Yuugi or Inuyasha ones, ok?)

Fanfics (in my posession)

Here's some of the fanfics I posess (I also made them), most of them are Inuyasha ones:

Its not really a stroy. Its a list of what I compare both series.

A extended list of what Inuyasha and company would had done if it were a shoujo series just like Fushigi Yuugi.

Probaly one of my best IY fanfic story. If you've seen the American Pie movie, then read this.

By seeing a title like this, you'll think its hentai. But its not really too hentai. Its a very funny story about Inuyasha learning how to use a walkman XD The best part of the story is when he sings (o_o) so nicely (aww). No wonder why this is my most sucessfull IY fanfic yet!!

The first unofficial Inuyasha shoujo story. The story continues after a the final battle against Naraku. Inuyasha is reborn as Ini in his next life and lives by Kagome's side. They fight the new enemy name Tenkou with the help of thier old friends. This story is on 3rd place of my best IY fanfics. It may be pretty wierd and hard to understand cuz that was my very first IY fanfic but please read it,anyways.

Fanfics (by others)

These are some fanfics I've collected from other authors around the internet. But please remember that those characters belong to thier original authors.

A hilarious and classical Goldy Locks story (you've read it,right?) Tasuki is the goldy locks in the story XD and acts like a pure idiot. Highly recomended to read.

A Miaka and a Nuriko pairing. Its nothing odd to me to see a couple like them being together but doing THAT (well almost). Kinda sad but good to read.

Funny!! Most of the Sukazu Seishi (even the Seiryu) are working in McDonalds. Its so funny, just read it. Too bad its way too short...

Fanarts (bought by other people)

I cant seem to find a good FY/IY fanart but my 2 fave sites that has the best fanart ever are:

Higly recomended by me. Her fanarts are so real that they look like real wallpapers!! Check it out!!

You can go either to the doujinshi section or the fanart section. Most of those pics are way too beautifull.

Copyright 2004 Website edited by Yasha Yuugi no Miko. All rights reserved. All the important info comes directly from the 1st site without no exceptions. All the original info are reserved to thier original authors. Fushigi Yuugi (characters, story) is made originally by Yu Watase and Inuyahsa is originaly made by Rumiko Takahashi.