The Spoiler Area


Simply spoil about both series is all about!! Dont take them too seriously, they're just plain jokes. lol

Fushigi Yuugi Spoilers

* Episode 5 - Miaka was bathing until Nuriko came up on her. Miaka shook Nuriko and discover that she was really A MAN!!! (wtf?)

* Episode 27 - Tamahome turns full demon just like Inuyasha when he turns full demon! (wtf?)

* Episode 33 - Nuriko fought Ashitray just like Inuyasha does (wtf?). He punched the youki but Nuriko was slashed back. Too bad he died T_T

* Episode 36 - Miaka was raped by Nakago. Her uniforum was too teared off and thus made him more eaiser to do so.

* Episode 39 - Amiboshi is still alive?

* Episode 45 - I bet I saw Nuriko!! He's still alive but this time he REALLY looks like a woman.

* OAV episode 1 - Tamahome is really Nagako (wtf?)

* OAV episode 2 - Kaen is really Tomo!!

* OAV episode 3 - The whole plot was a fraud!! (wtf?)

* OAV 2 episode 1 - Tamahome is reborn as Taka in Miaka's world

* OAV 2 episode 2 - Tasuki kisses Miaka (wtf?)

* OAV 2 episode 4 - Tasuki really likes Miaka (wtf?)

* OAV 2 episode 6 - Tamahome a imposter? Miaka and Taka made love (for real? wtf?) They killed the enemy and had a small girl (aint a young boy?)

* OAV 3 episode ? - Nuriko is reborn as a girl?

* OAV 3 episode ? - Miaka and Taka are wed?

* OAV 3 episode ? - Miaka is pregnant?

Inuyasha Spoilers (some might be major ones)


* Inuyasha's dad aint name Inutaishio!!!

* Sesshoma is really Fluffy!!!

* Inuyasha and Kagome kiss tons of times!! Wait a sec?! I thought it was in the 2nd movie!!!

* Inuyasha and  Kagome do it for real? (wtf?) I didnt knew that!!! O_O

* Ages cleared!! Inyasha 17 (67 in hanyou years), Kagome 15, Sango 16, Miroku 20 and Shippo 7. Naraku 75, Kagura 19, Kanna 8, Koga 18 and Sess 23

* Adult Swim promised new IY episodes (until 108) in the year 2004.

* Inuyasha and Kikyo kiss again in episode 147 (148?) It was so passionate that they should had done more!! =D

* Inuyasha as a demon is a good thing. lol

* There aint no freaking hidden kiss in epi 48!! (or there is?)

* Sango and Miroku are finally getting wed!!

* Sango loves Inuyasha (and kisses him?) (wtf?)

* Jaken is gay!! XD

* Inuyasha might be gay and Miroku, too (hmmm)....

* Ti "do" it thing is sooo true!!! Inuyasha and Kagome makes love in a abandon cabin!! :P

* Inuyasha is da professional stripper!!! ***COME TAKE OFF EVERYTHING!!! WTF?!!! OMG!!! LOL!!! ****

* Inuyasha turns full demon right? So does Tamahome. But Inuyasha's full demon forum is more threaten than Tamahome's full demon form.

* Inuyasha and Kagome saw each other naked!! @ _ @ And this aint happened in doujinshis!!! This happened for real!!!

* Kagome is commanded to strip in order to find the Shikkon shards!! (wtf?)

* Kagome is nearly rapped by Naraku!!! O_O OMG!!!1 WTF!!!1 When Kagome went to look for the last shards, Naraku caught Kagome cuz she looks like Kikyo and sents like her. So he ***grooved*** her until Inuyasha arrives and sees Kagome in total disorder....

Well, Those are the first spoilers listed...(more will be added later)...In the meantime, please enjoy the spoilers!!! Do you have awsome and funny spoilers to send, email me!!!

(Note: the spoilers MUST come from Fushigi Yuugi or Inuyasha)


Copyright 2004 Website edited by Yasha Yuugi no Miko. All rights reserved. All the important info comes directly from the 1st site without no exceptions. All the original info are reserved to thier original authors. Fushigi Yuugi (characters, story) is made originally by Yu Watase and Inuyahsa is originaly made by Rumiko Takahashi.